Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremony
Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremony
Friday, May 12, 2023
Morning Ceremony began at 10:30am
Includes graduates from College of Letters, Arts & Sciences (LAS)
Afternoon Ceremony began at 2:30pm
Includes graduates from all colleges (except for LAS)
Morning Ceremony Livestream
This ceremony includes:
- College of Letters, Arts & Sciences
Afternoon Ceremony Livestream
This ceremony includes:
- College of Business
- College of Education
- College of Public Service
- Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth El College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- College of Engineering
Portraits at the Ceremony

Grad Images Photography
You can order the professional photos taken at the ceremony by visiting www.gradimages.com
The following two pieces of information are required:
- Last Name of the graduate
- Graduate Year
Grad Images customer service number is: 1-800-261-8576 for more information.